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About The Author

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One of the first health food store entrepreneurs in Boston has spent years perfecting a diet with miraculous results. The Prehistoric Diet shares his secrets of how he lost weight without diet pills, expensive gyms, diet foods or plans, and complicated surgeries. Through the guidance from our prehistoric ancestors nearly twenty million years ago, Alexander leads others on a phenomenal journey to good health and a wonderful life. Isn't it time for you to take back control of your body? Note: J. Alexander is available for public speaking engagements as well as one on one nutritional coaching sessions.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Prehistoric Diet.. Another Testimonial

The Prehistoric Diet Works!  The Prehistoric Diet makes so much sense . no extra expense ,fun and yes I lost the weight I needed to lose. I also have lots more energy...and yes more SEX too

Sincerely Yours,

Maria Campbell Chicago Ill.

The Prehistoric Diet is NOW available to download on Kindle!

Due to popular demand The Prehistoric Diet book is now available as an ebook download via kindle. 

Click here to order your own copy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Prehistoric Diet Available On Kindle Soon...

My web team is working on having The Prehistoric Diet book available on Kindle soon.  I'll keep you guys posted. Once its officially available.

Thanks for all the support and wonderful responses to the book.

J. Alexander

The Prehistoric Diet Works....

I really love receiving emails from people who have done The Prehistoric Diet and have benefited from wonderful results. This is an excerpt from one of countless emails we've received....

I really want to thank J. Alexander for enlightening me regarding how our ancestors ate . I am now on the Prehistoric Diet and will stay on it forever. I lost 30 lbs , feel great. Love the recipes and also making up my own. By the way my husband also thanks you since SEX is better than ever, Boy he really notices me now. very happily yours

Susan Lopez San Francisco Calif.

About The Prehistoric Diet

J. Alexander was an overweight child with severe allergies and insecurities because of his weight. He spent years perfecting a diet with miraculous results, became trim, and conquered his allergies—changing his life forever. The Prehistoric Diet shares his secrets of how he lost weight without diet pills, expensive gyms, diet foods or plans, and complicated surgeries.

J. Alexander, one of the first health food store entrepreneurs in Boston, grew up in an era where diets were composed primarily of meats, mashed potatoes, Chinese food from a can, and white bread. He tells the poignant story of how he journeyed from a chubby, unhappy, and unaccepted child to a lean, healthy man through conscious eating of good, natural, unadulterated food. While sharing delicious recipes, nutritional information, and information on what foods to avoid, J. Alexander teaches others how to:

• Look and feel years younger

• Enjoy a revived sex life

• Never be hungry

• Feel energetic and build self-esteem

Through the guidance from our prehistoric ancestors nearly twenty million years ago, J. Alexander leads others on a phenomenal journey to good health and a wonderful life. Isn’t it time for you to take back control of your body?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beat Cellulite

Cellulite is one of the most commonly researched topics on the net- and how to eliminate it. If you have cellulite, you may have already spent hundreds of dollars trying to find a way to eliminate it from your body. Although many products promise great results, most do not deliver on the promises that they make. If you are discouraged with all of these failures, don't continue to throw your money away. One home treatment option is to use a body brush on a regular basis. Dry body brushing helps to stimulate the body. It gets the circulation going in the blood and body, which helps to break the fat deposits up that are causing the problem. You can purchase a cellulite brush or you can use a soft brush on your skin. All you have to do is run it over the areas that are affected, brushing towards the heart.

Diet can be a great home treatment for problems with cellulite as well. Adopting The Prehistoric Diet nutritional lifestyle will greatly improve your overall appearance including cellulite.

How to Prevent and Even Cure Obesity and Early Aging

Obesity is one of the most common disorders, (over one third of adults in the developed world are over weight or Obese). This number is rising rapidly, and if you are affected you will be delighted to find out how to prevent this happening and even curing the problem. Unfortunately, Obesity is the most difficult and frustrating disorder to manage successfully. Obesity is caused not necessarily from over eating, but by a build up of Toxins in the body. These Toxins are normally disposed of naturally, but if they are allowed to build up in the body, they settle in various parts of the body as Fat.

A Toxin is simply a poison that can affect the body by internal or external means. It can be a chemical which occurs naturally or in synthetic form. Evidence has proved a link between the accumulation of toxins in body tissues and the development of chronic diseases. Some are produced via the normal metabolic processes and through the decomposition of food in the intestines. Thousands of chemicals have been introduced into the environment over a period of time, some effecting the water and air. and some have long lasting effects...
The liver is the organ primarily responsible for breaking toxins into harmless by-products, which are eliminated into the stool or through the kidneys into the urine.

The process of elimination can be hampered for one reason or another. When a particular toxin overwhelms the normal excretion mechanisms, the body produces inflammation in the area of the toxin trying to rid itself of the problem. If the toxins remain, the body then moves into the next stage, where they are deposited in areas where they will do the least harm. These areas are usually fat cells, cysts, polyps or tumors. After years of storage, the toxins move into body cells and tissues, causing many problems such as Obesity and speed up the aging process.

The best way to avoid this is to keep a healthy weight by following The Prehistoric Diet.

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