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About The Author

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One of the first health food store entrepreneurs in Boston has spent years perfecting a diet with miraculous results. The Prehistoric Diet shares his secrets of how he lost weight without diet pills, expensive gyms, diet foods or plans, and complicated surgeries. Through the guidance from our prehistoric ancestors nearly twenty million years ago, Alexander leads others on a phenomenal journey to good health and a wonderful life. Isn't it time for you to take back control of your body? Note: J. Alexander is available for public speaking engagements as well as one on one nutritional coaching sessions.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Book Tour - Patriot National Bank in NYC - March 15th

Thank you to everyone who participated in the March 15th talk/book signing at Patriot National Bank.  The turn out was great and the audience was fully engaged in the topic. I am so passionate about The Prehistoric Diet and I enjoy having the opportunity to speak to groups about why this is so important.  The Prehistoric Diet is like no other "program" available.  This is the way nature intended you to be. The great thing about doing these talks is that I get to answer questions and exchange ideas. Special thanks to the staff at the West End Avenue Manhattan Branch Location for being such great hosts and providing a forum for the community to meet and discuss such an important topic. The next Patriot National Bank talk/book signing will be scheduled in Connecticut on Monday April 26th. Details to follow soon.

Chronic Illness Diet Related?

"Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it." -The Arapaho People

The human genome has changed little over the past 40,000 years . Our ancestors developed agricultural practices about 10,000 years ago (see a Timeline). The advent of agricultural marked a chaotic period for our bodies to adjust to these foreign foods. The fossil record shows a massive decrease in average height, health, and rapid increase in disease, obesity, and population for cultures that survived the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a agricultural dependent one. Women on high grain/carbohydrate diets become mature at an earlier age than their hunter-gatherer counterparts; thereby out-breeding and out-producing hunter-gatherers. Without this significant population boom, our diet as we know it could in fact be the same as it was before the advent of agriculture.

Chronic Illness: Diet Related?
A diet high in legumes, carbohydrates, and grains could be making you ill. Why would a diet high in post-agricultural-era foods be detrimental to our health? Because these foods are foreign to our bodies. Our genes have not had the time nor the evolutionary pressures to adapt to these new foods. 

I go into this in detail in my book The Prehistoric Diet available for purchase on this website.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Why eating healthier is a better option.

There are many thousands of "Morbidly Obese" in the United States.  This is so Tragic....You may have read about the Singer CARNIE WILSON who is battling this Obesity.  She had the surgical procedure called GASTRIC BYPASS.  She is one of the 15 % that put back ALL of the weight. There have been over 230,000 of these done in the United States and from 1997-2007 and the increase has been %600. I realize that out of desperation people decide on this surgery. You may have seen, on a reality program, footage of some of the people having this procedure and with the unbelievable agony. This surgery "changes the body's normal digestion process and as a result, food BY Passes the large part of the stomach and most of the small intestine".

What is also telling on these shows is to observe the friends and relatives of the patient. Almost all of them are themselves severely overweight or obese. Then you observe every one's eating habits, fried foods, fats, sugars, sodas, pastries, heavy gravies and starches etc. Thus the adage..You are a product of your environment...places and people. In researching about this surgery...".it is recommended that after surgery., not to intake , Diet Drinks, avoid sauces, gravies, butter, margarine, and junk foods" (In other words ..Even with the surgery..You can put back a lot of the weight).

I would think that the reasoning of course that people should .. From the "get go" avoid the intake of this JUNK....So this is my take on it.

If one adheres to the way that Nature intended us to eat .meaning .THE PREHISTORIC DIET you will be as Nature intended us to be, trim , healthy , happy... PERIOD.....END OF STORY.
For those that have to have this a life saving Procedure, adhere to  THE PREHISTORIC DIET in order to maintain all you have endured so much to obtain.

Certainly, with the MORBIDLY OBESE there are psychological issues but I maintain that with a partnership  between the patient, a psychologist and an instructor of THE PREHISTORIC DIET that there can be a real breakthrough for this" heart breaking "  situation . A  thought now regarding the  high cost of health care in the United States and one of the reasons Universal Health care is so very hard to afford. The average cost for Gastric Bypass Procedures are $25,000   according to "The National Institute of Diabetes and  Digestive and Kidney Disease".

So for the years 1997-2007 the cost of these procedures are close to $5 billion dollars and I have to imagine by now the costs have exceeded $10 billion.

THE PREHISTORIC DIET     $12.59   plus shipping and handling

The Prehistoric Diet vs Gizmos on late night tv

We've all seen on late T V these "GIZMO'S" for weight loss, fitness and exercise.

While I find the products comical, it is sad that people out of hope and naiveté purchase them.

We have the "Air Climber Fitness System" which is a stair like "Thing" in which you walk up and down at a cost of only $119.97 plus shipping

Why not just take the stairs a few times a day. And the cost is ZERO,

Then there is the "BODY SHAPER" in which this type of girdle hides the extra pounds for only $40
Whatever pounds you are hiding will always be there unless you get it off and the health hazards of keeping it on should be your incentive to get it off.

Then last but not least   we present the "Contour Success Waist Belt" that is to contour your abs.
These belts deliver electrical Impulses that cause the ab muscles to contract and the "Electrical Impulses" can be adjusted from 0-100.

Well I would not feel safe or healthy with electrodes shooting into me every day.
We can only imagine or cannot understand possible damage that could later be involved with our cellular makeup.
10 years from now there will be a report about the repercussions and damage this GIZMO has done.
The supplier also stresses that the belt should be used in conjunction with a low fat diet....well yeah...any one on a low fat diet will lose weight with or without this dumb product which only costs about $250.

THE PREHISTORIC DIET       $12.59 plus shipping

The Prehistoric Diet

As our Prehistoric Ancestors knew... I guess by instinct of survival...they exercised continuously but not in the Luxurious gyms that we have today.

Now let me tell you something remarkable and miraculous...
With THE PREHISTORIC DIET the body becomes so "fine tuned" from its fabulous nutrition that with just basic exercise you will find yourself trimmer, with much more muscle tone and a whole lot of energy.
For Exercise try speed walking when you walk, take stairs, try some basic lifting with hand weights, some sit ups, some basic yoga, some will be amazed.

I was speaking to a college student who went to the gym and was very active but just could not get the weight off.
I explained that this was putting the "Cart before the Horse".

First you have to get on THE PREHISTORIC DIET and you will start shedding the pounds.
Then your body tones up and then what ever exercise you do really pays off.

Then if you want to spend $1,200 per year at a GYM to be highly muscular go for will happen easier and faster because of THE PREHISTORIC DIET 

cost $12.59 plus shipping and handling
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Problem Sleeping?

Then we have the medications for Sleeping problems...certainly on the upswing, about the same rate of Obesity.
First of all with overweight issues there is the probability of Sleep Apnea in which the breathing stops and starts during sleep and people take medication for this also.Certainly the anxiety of this ailment has to affect the possibility of a restful sleep.

WE all have anxiety which is a main cause of lack of sleep.
Anxiety many times leads to eating "binges" before bedtime .
If this is the cast then eat any of the foods from the prehistoric's healthy , fills that void and will give you less sleeping (and certainly Obesity) problems.

Overweight people are eating the wrong foods most of the day so at night, while Trying to sleep the Body is trying to digest and figure out a way to get rid of all the foreign elements, the bad fats , acids , chemicals etc. that have been digested.

So while trying to sleep, there are stomach adverse feelings which causes the mind to activate..usually on negative thoughts  etc thus the insomnia.

If a person does not have an overweight problem the mind and the body are more at ease. ( an overweight person has the anxiety of their weight issues and all their problems )

If a person is trim..the way Nature intended..and not following the guidelines of the Mega Pharmaceutical Companies or the Mega Processed Food Industry, then there is terrific energy for physical and mental activities
Then the body will naturally tell you when it is time to rest...thus no LUNESTA and the like....LUNESTA  possible side effects    Dizziness, headaches,sleepiness during the day,depression,memory problmes,abnormal thoughts and behavior, swelling of the tongue,trrouble breathing,nausea and vomiting and more.... 

FYI        LUNESTA      $400 for a bottle of 90 pills

THE PREHISTORIC DIET   $12.59 plus shipping and handleing

Asthma & Respiratory Ailments

more and More people are suffering from Sinus, Hayfever, Asthma and other respiratory ailments.

I personally went through HELL with these ailments, and surmounted them BECAUSE OF" THE PREHISTORIC DIET."..and Is one of the reasons that I wrote my book.


We must take control of our bodies and be as NATURE intended us to be ...not the Marketing teams for the Drug Companies and the Food Processing companies.

They want you to stay hooked on their PRODUCTS....their Merchandise.

I want you hooked on what NATURE provides so we don't need the Media Health related Products (with a proviso , unless ABSOLUTELY Necessary  as in the case of an ailment that is immediately Life threatening...)

When I was CEO of my Promotion Company   D B & Promotions in Manhattan,....we were involved in a National Education program about Asthma.

WE wanted to inform the public about asthma "Triggers" . in other words what  sets off Asthma.
Triggers include, Dust,Mites,maybe wool, of course smoke , Commercial Household Products , pet hairs ,Grasses, Ragweed,
Golden Rod and with out a doubt BAD DIET......

Certainly stay away from smoke and Dust..that's a given and with THE PREHISTORIC DIET  the body builds up the strength and resistance to combat the other triggers.

THE PREHISTORIC DIET is NATURE'S remarkable Gift to us...let's not squander it...

So we have tons of medications for these ailments and I will only touch upon 2 of the most "mediarized".

ADVAIR .....Asthma Medication:

I was STUNNED to find out the list of possible side effects.  Headaches,sore throat,BRONCHITIS (HUH from an Asthma medication....)Coughing ,Nausea and Vomiting, Sinus Infections (great...then one can buy medication for this also....) Hoarseness, Muscle Pain , Fever , Menstrual Problems , Thrush,abdominal Pain , Diarrhea , bloody nose , Dizziness , Muscle Cramps and spasms, BREATHING PROBLEMS (HUH....for an ASTHMA Medication???) Arrhythmia  (irregular heart rhythm , high Blood Pressure , High Blood sugar, Depression , Anxiety , Osteoporosis , eye Problems , rashes and hives ,itching , swelling , wheezing ...(HUH again for an ASTHMA MEDICATION.), Sleeping disorders (great  we can buy more stuff for this..) and many many many many many more side effects.

and the cost    $169 per monthly medication

Then there is OMNARIS...Nasal Spray for Allergies , Hay Fever and Cold Related symptoms..
In order not to be redundant...this products has many of the many possible effect as ADVAIR and the cost is about $67 per 120 doses

The Cost of the Prehistoric Diet is $12.59   plus shipping and handling
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Say no to pills!

Now we have a NEW disease that youv'e heard alot for the last 7 year... "Acid Reflux Disease" which is related to Heartburn and stomach ulcers.
There are over 100 products for this Newly found disease...

You have to take Prevacid or "the Purple Pill" Nexium or one of the others for years at a cost of $75 per bottle.

Here side effects include : B-12 deficiency, weakness , rash , swelling tongue , numbness and tingling of the extremities , dizziness , trouble breathing , headaches , diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Now do you remember years ago there was a commercial for TUMS ant acid with the person holding his stomach because he ate the fatty and spiced up foods.... well it takes no genius to understand that if you eat the way that nature intended and provised for you then this Acid Reflux disease would be almost entirely eliminated.

THE PREHISTORIC DIET    Nature's way   only $12.59 plus shipping