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About The Author

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One of the first health food store entrepreneurs in Boston has spent years perfecting a diet with miraculous results. The Prehistoric Diet shares his secrets of how he lost weight without diet pills, expensive gyms, diet foods or plans, and complicated surgeries. Through the guidance from our prehistoric ancestors nearly twenty million years ago, Alexander leads others on a phenomenal journey to good health and a wonderful life. Isn't it time for you to take back control of your body? Note: J. Alexander is available for public speaking engagements as well as one on one nutritional coaching sessions.

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Autism related to diet:

Autism is an ever increasing heartbreaking problem .
The cases are on the rise and if one looks at the cases say 30yrs ago  there were many times LESS.
There has to be a relationship with the impurities in our foods and Autism.
There have been ongoing studies regarding Gluten (from wheat products), and Dairy products as to the possible cause or certainly
the more negative effects on autism
Dr. Susan Hyman of the University of Rochester is doing on going research re: this and while she has not found any thing definite...YET.... states "This is really the just the tip of the iceberg. There are many possible effects of diet, including over-and under-nutrition, on the behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders."
This comes to my mind an instance when I had my Health food Store in Boston "Food for Thought"
A parent came to the store and bought a multitude of foods but no Dairy or Gluten products.
She related that her son WAS a behavior problem ...flunking out of all the schools that they put him in...He was just in  a sad miserable condition.
The parents took him to doctors who prescribed drugs that just "zoned him out"
Then they went to a Natureopath and with tests discovered his great allergy to Dairy and Wheat products.
He was taken off these foods and the change was miraculous...their son became an Honor student..happy and productive.
This re-invoices my belief in The Prehistoric Diet in that there were processed foods after Prehistoric Man ie: wheat and Dairy...We are only meant to nourish ourselves with the Nature given unprocessed foods.
With every day you are on the Prehistoric Diet you will realize more and more it's miraculous benefits...and this is why I wrote this book.

The Prehistoric Diet book is available for purchase on my website
Monday, May 10, 2010

Obese and Depressed

Link between obesity and depression has been extensively studied by health experts. Researchers are confused whether obesity leads to depression or depression causes obesity. They explain it as a "chicken and egg case". This is because various studies have shown that obese people are likely to become depressed while people who are suffering from depression have a high probability to turn obese. Researchers have tried to give various reasons to explain the connection between obesity and depression and the causal pathways that lead a person from obesity to depression and vice versa.

Experts believe that obese people are more likely to become depressed because they feel lowly about themselves. They find themselves in poor health and are discontented with their appearance. The connection between obesity and depression was found to be more pronounced amongst women and people belonging to a high socio-economic status. On the other hand, those suffering from depression are at a risk of becoming obese because of physiological changes occurring in their hormonal and immune systems. It has also been seen that depressed people are less likely to take care of themselves and have problems adhering to a fitness regimen. They are likely to develop negative thoughts and overeat to derive a sense of satisfaction.

Overweight Children

Mary Belluzzi, an expert with the international obesity Task force said "We estimate that 22 million of the world's children under 5 are overweight or obese. The organization also estimates 300 million people worldwide to be obese and 750 million more to be overweight. This alarming increase on obese Adults and children has caused parents with obese kids to be very rigorous and strict in diet control of their kids. This can have a terrible effect as you would see later in this article.

According to the U.S department of agriculture (USDA), there is a steady decline in the diet quality of children and adolescents as they get Older. Obesity cannot be adequately treated without addressing physical activity psychology/behavior, diet, genetic factors and how they are all intertwined. However, here we will explore just one very important aspect of treatment, which is diet.

Losing Work Because of Diet

Don't laugh! Many people are out of work today due to their employees are just not in good enough shape to do their jobs. Ever seen a co- worker, overweight and struggling to get a breath when he/she has to move fast for long periods of time or carry a heavy product? It has a lot to do with their diet.

This sounds silly doesn't it? However many people are on disability today for problems that could have been resolved with proper diet like The Prehistoric Diet.

Obesity and Ailments

There are regular news reports of our rapidly expanding waist lines and the problems obesity cause. Aside from the social aspect, many of us still ignore it. Obesity triggers many health problems and ailments including:
  • Diabetes
  • Gallstones
  • Gout
  • Heart Disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep Apnea
By simply following The Prehistoric Diet you can begin to drastically decrease your risks immediately.

Book Signing & Talk Tour

As some of you may know past few weeks I've been on a book signing and talk tour that is being enthusiastically received.  One of the things I enjoy the most about doing these types of events is meeting one on one with my readers and followers of the diet.  Many of my readers have asked me to do private instruction sessions with them.  Although this is not necessary once you purchase the book and apply the principles it is definitely an option for those of you that need a bit more guidance.  I am so excited that I have been invited to do several more talks regarding the the person that nature intended us to be.

Obesity is an ailment that is killing us.  These ailments are due to the "Blockage" in our systems , this blockage is caused by the ingredients (foreign elements) that are ingested with the intake of the wrong "So Called" foods and drugs.  Our Body must be as Nature intended...a rushing river or ocean that freely Flows.  We have to cease the bad eating habits that cause these blockages which could cause heart ailments. Cancer, Diabetes, Sinus and allergy problems , depression, sleeping disorders , Sex Problems ,and so much more.

With The Prehistoric Diet, The Way that Nature intended us to eat..most ailments will cease.

This diet will change your life.  Purchase your copy here The Prehistoric Diet Book

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